Aug 3, 2018 | Blog, Cancer, Diet, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Sugar Free
The average Australian consumes around 14 teaspoons or 60 grams of free sugars per day. Recently the World Health Organization recommended that for optimal health we should restrict our added ‘free sugar’ intake to less than half of that, at just 6 teaspoons. But what...
Jun 26, 2017 | Blog, Cancer, Detox, Health, Lifestyle
Occasionally we have health experts guest post on Wellness Tree about their specialist area. This time we’re lucky to have Nicki from Apana, Health and Wellness who has been practicing colon hydrotherapy (sometimes simply known as colonics) for the past 6 years....
Apr 9, 2015 | Blog, Cancer, Event, Health, Lifestyle
Did you miss out on the last talk about Sugar? Don’t worry . . . a second repeat session is coming up again on Monday 4th May at 7.30pm at Zen Den Collective in Dunsborough. Head along to hear what I have to say about this controversial topic and leave with...
Mar 18, 2015 | Blog, Cancer, Diet, Health, Nutrition
Confused about the good and bad things about sugar? Want to learn about the effects of sugar on your health including the ways to substitute better options in your diet? On Monday 30th March at 7.30pm head down to Zen Den Collective in Dunsborough, SW Western...
Oct 19, 2014 | Blog, Cancer, Health, Lifestyle
Often we don’t think about how important our hair is until we face loosing it. A Cancer diagnosis is never an easy thing to hear. After the initial shock, cancer patients are then faced with many decisions, one being which type of treatment to follow. One of the...